
Nighttime pooping and bedtime troubles _english baby sleep bedtime routine diaper change fussy baby sleep coaching sleep training Jan 11, 2021

Today I answer Jessica's questions and offer my tips for solving her problems, which are:

  1.  Recently, her daughter started to cry more at bedtime 
  2.  The bedtime routine is difficult, because the baby is fussy between 6-7 pm
  3.  The baby poops during the second night...
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Does your baby get enough sleep? _english baby sleep sleep assessment sleep coaching sleep needs sleep training Dec 21, 2020

Don't rely on random tables and charts about sleep needs! The National Sleep Foundation reviewed the scientific literature and determined the recommended amount of sleep from birth to adulthood and the amount that may be appropriate in some cases*.  I will also teach you how to...

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What to do with too early wake ups? _english baby sleep circadian rhythm daylight saving time downloadable early bedtime paradox early mornings sleep coaching sleep training too early wake up Dec 15, 2020
Today I share my tips about what to do in case your baby started to wake up waaay too  early!


Today I will answer a question that I got almost two weeks ago. I feel like I'm starting to get too many questions, so I'm a bit behind, sorry for that. There's an ongoing...
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Are sound machines safe? _english baby sleep safe sound levels sleep coaching sleep training sound machines Nov 30, 2020

Today I explore the topic of sound machines. Do they boost sleep in babies? What sound levels are considered safe? How should you use them?

This is my favorite white noise playlist on Spotify.

“Are sound machines safe? Can they hurt my little one's ears?”



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Was Ferber wrong? _english baby sleep ferber iglowstein naps pantley sears sleep coaching sleep needs sleep training wake windows weissbluth Nov 24, 2020

I compared the recommended amount of sleep and length of wake windows for 9 months old babies in 7 of the best selling baby sleep books on Amazon and in one recent research paper.


Today's question is from Heather:

“Hi, my son will be eight months in two days. What should...

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The lowdown on sleep cycles and wake windows _english baby sleep naps sleep coaching sleep cycles sleep training wake windows Nov 12, 2020

Today I answered Sandy's questions about sleep cycles and wake windows. Both are crucial to know about when you want to sleep coach or sleep train your baby!


Hello everyone, it's Anna. Thank you so much for tuning in today. You are listening to The Baby Sleep Project...
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I need adult sleep training! _english baby sleep cbt-i insomnia sleep coaching sleep deprivation sleep training Nov 04, 2020

Many parents develop sleep problems themselves while they are struggling with their LOs sleep. Luckily, there is an equivalent to baby sleep coaching, called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), and it shares many of its main principles.

 Transcript:Hello, everyone....

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Ouch! My LO bit me! _english baby sleep biting night weaning sleep coaching sleep training Sep 25, 2020

Have you ever been scared that your LO would bite you during nursing? Today I try to help a mum, who wants to night-wean her co-sleeping 15-month old daughter because of this very reason.


Hello everyone. It's Anna, thank you so much for tuning in today. You are...
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Why does it take more than an hour for my toddler to fall asleep? _english baby sleep difficulty falling asleep settling sleep coaching sleep training Sep 24, 2020

Today I list the main reasons why sometimes it takes a lot of time for little ones to settle for the night.


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Sleep begets sleep? _english baby sleep sleep begets sleep sleep coaching sleep training Sep 18, 2020

In this episode I answered the following questions:
Q1: Will my baby sleep better at night if I wake him up from his nap?
Q2: Will my baby fall asleep easier if I keep him up later or will he get overtired?
Q3: Will my baby wake up later in the morning if I put him to bed later?


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Can I sleep train without night weaning? _english baby sleep night weaning sleep coaching sleep training Sep 17, 2020

In this episode I answered the following questions:
Q1: Can I sleep train without night weaning?
Q2: Can I night wean without sleep training?


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SOS - My baby wakes up every 8 minutes! _english baby sleep hypothalamic hamartoma Sep 16, 2020

Imagine that your baby can only sleep in eight-minute stretches at a time...
This episode was inspired by a post on Reddit from a father who describes how he found out that his son's unusual sleep behavior was caused by a benign brain tumor.
I dedicate this episode to Hypothalamic...

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